You are invited to comment on and discuss the acting bylaws for the Capitol Hill Community Council this upcoming Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 for an online meeting from 7:00-8:00 on Zoom.

Most of you probably don’t know me, but I’ve been working behind the scenes to help get the Capitol Hill Community Council re-started.

Integral to a community council is having duly elected members and a set of governing procedures that make decisions clear, fair, and actionable. Bylaws are the generally accepted governance format for organizations like the one we envision the council to be. 

Chris Paulus and I have written out a bare bones set of bylaws that will hopefully be sufficient for us to stand up a democratically elected council which can then further refine the bylaws into something that the community can get behind.

Suggesting Edits Draft Capitol Hill Community Council Bylaws (draft)

An Editable Version will be made available during the meeting.

The bylaws may also be found and reviewed as a .pdf below.

Draft of Capitol Hill Community Council Bylaws PDF

These draft bylaws do not cover much ground regarding our upcoming elections though I’m happy to discuss the plan at the meeting on Wednesday. There will be further communications on this year’s elections to come!

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at

In solidarity and hope,


Categories: Uncategorized


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